You Give Goods

National Volunteer Week

Berkshire Bank
2 min readApr 22, 2020

As we kick-off National Volunteer Week, we want to take a moment to recognize and thank you our employee & community partners for all that has been done — effort and hours dedicated to our XTEAM.

We also want to acknowledge this is a challenging time for all of us and many in our communities are in critical need of our support. Children don’t have access to school supplies they need to learn. Our neighbors are faced with food insecurity which has risen by 46%. We want to make sure we’re doing our small part to help.

To that end, we’re pleased to provide an easy and meaningful way for both our employees and community members to help those affected by COVID-19, and to celebrate our BE FIRST values and culture of giving back through a unique collaboration with You Give Goods.

Individuals can choose to purchase food, basic needs items, and other supplies that directly benefit non-profit organizations impacted by COVID-19 throughout our footprint.

Simply visit, select the region and non-profits that you’d like to support, shop for the items you’d like to donate, and they will be shipped directly to the organizations.

All contributions are tax deductible and you’ll receive a tax receipt in your email.

Thank you for helping to support our neighbors in need and for everything you do to bring our Be FIRST# values to life every day.

#XTeamNation #NationalVolunteerWeek #GiveGoods #BerkshireBank #NationalVolunteerMonth #Service #BeFirstValues



Berkshire Bank

Berkshire Bank is a socially responsible community-dedicated bank with locations primarily in New England and New York empowering your financial potential.